full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Marian Wright Edelman: Reflections from a lifetime fighting to end child poverty

Unscramble the Blue Letters

There was no home for the aged in our hewomotn. And rreneevd Reddick, who had what we know now, 50 years later, as Alzheimer's, and he began to wander the streets. And so Daddy and Mama figured out he needed a place to go, so we started a home for the aged. creilhdn had to cook and clean and serve. We didn't like it at the time, but that's how we leernad that it was our obligation to take care of those who couldn't take care of themselves. I had 12 foster sisters and brothers. My mother took them in after we left home, and she took them in before we left home. And again, whenever you see a need, you try to fliufll it. God runs, Daddy used to say, a full employment ecmnooy.

Open Cloze

There was no home for the aged in our ________. And ________ Reddick, who had what we know now, 50 years later, as Alzheimer's, and he began to wander the streets. And so Daddy and Mama figured out he needed a place to go, so we started a home for the aged. ________ had to cook and clean and serve. We didn't like it at the time, but that's how we _______ that it was our obligation to take care of those who couldn't take care of themselves. I had 12 foster sisters and brothers. My mother took them in after we left home, and she took them in before we left home. And again, whenever you see a need, you try to _______ it. God runs, Daddy used to say, a full employment _______.


  1. reverend
  2. learned
  3. children
  4. economy
  5. hometown
  6. fulfill

Original Text

There was no home for the aged in our hometown. And Reverend Reddick, who had what we know now, 50 years later, as Alzheimer's, and he began to wander the streets. And so Daddy and Mama figured out he needed a place to go, so we started a home for the aged. Children had to cook and clean and serve. We didn't like it at the time, but that's how we learned that it was our obligation to take care of those who couldn't take care of themselves. I had 12 foster sisters and brothers. My mother took them in after we left home, and she took them in before we left home. And again, whenever you see a need, you try to fulfill it. God runs, Daddy used to say, a full employment economy.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
head start 6
defense fund 5
full employment 3
segregated small 2
small town 2
white truck 2
truck drivers 2
god runs 2
white kids 2
food stamps 2
start program 2
poor people 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
segregated small town 2
white truck drivers 2
head start program 2

Important Words

  1. aged
  2. began
  3. brothers
  4. care
  5. children
  6. clean
  7. cook
  8. daddy
  9. economy
  10. employment
  11. figured
  12. foster
  13. fulfill
  14. full
  15. god
  16. home
  17. hometown
  18. learned
  19. left
  20. mama
  21. mother
  22. needed
  23. obligation
  24. place
  25. reddick
  26. reverend
  27. runs
  28. serve
  29. sisters
  30. started
  31. streets
  32. time
  33. wander
  34. years